Organisation Mondiale du Volontariat

bureau la poste ariana Ariana, Tunisia 2080
84 Avenue Habib Bourguiba Tunis Tunis TN

World Volunteer Organization to promote sustainable development and improve the living conditions of rural and urban populations.

• Establish and train a corps of volunteers among young graduates or qualified individuals who are spearheading the population (s) as well as building their capacity.
• Protect the urban and rural environment through concrete actions of sanitation and reforestation.
• Contribute to the fight against AIDS and STDs.
• Contribute to the development of young people.
• Fight against all forms of slavery, especially child slavery.
• Fight against drug addiction, delinquency and juvenile prostitution, especially in schools.
• Organize emergency relief for underprivileged children, financial or moral assistance visits to hospitals or SOS.
• Encourage the education of young people, especially girls, through awareness campaigns in low-income neighborhoods, in rural and urban schools.
• Make rural and urban youth aware of the value of solidarity, education, the harmful effects of drugs, tobacco, STDs and the degradation of the environment.
• Participate in humanitarian work around the world